When a carnivore says tofu is “insanely good!” you are in a good place. 🙂 This gluten-free batter has a crazy crispy crust that is simply right.
A super simple balanced flour.
- tapioca flour provides structure
- coconut flour gives it a flake and crispiness
- almond flour adds flavor and color
If you prefer to leave out beer, then club soda and yeast can give you all the carbonated bubbly goodness and yeasty flavor. And it will hit those texture bells and whistles like a charm!
Freezing Tofu Method
You do not absolutely have to do this, but in my opinion, it makes tempura tofu about 93% better. 🙂 I want my tofu spongy if I am making something like a scramble or maybe a soup, but when I want it to have a bit more of a bite, which is most of the time, I freeze it.
Here’s how:
Cut block of tofu into slices. Spread tofu slices onto a parchment-lined cookie sheet and place it in the freezer. Freeze overnight. Defrost tofu and using paper towels gently press out as much water as you can.
That’s it! Good to go.
This batter works for almost everyone. The flavors blend beautifully! And the crunch is, as my son says’s “Insanely good!”
If you have a nut allergy, you can replace the almond flour with more coconut flour or a seed flour. If you cannot tolerate yeast, leave it out and just add more beer or club soda to get the right consistency.
- Sprinkle yeast over warm water. Let is sit for a few minutes to activate the yeast.
- Measure flours into a mixing bowl.
- Add your activated yeast. Stir.
- Add cold beer or club soda a little at a time until the thickness of the batter is like pancake batter.
OMGoodness… the yeast smells so good! Like my mother’s kitchen.
Deep Fry
Get your pot of oil hot and a plate of tapioca flour ready to go… dredge each slice of tofu into tapioca flour.
If you like, you can season up your tofu before dredging it. A little salt and pepper, Or a spice, like paprika. You could even marinate it in lemon juice if you like.
Now into the batter it goes. Coat thoroughly and wipe off excess batter in the inside of the bowl.
Holding it partly into the hot oil, swoosh it back and forth a little before dropping it in so that it does not stick to the bottom of the pot.
Drop it in and let it do its thing.
Flip it around as over as needed to get it dark golden brown on all sides.
When it is to your liking, place the golden tofu onto crumpled paper towels to drain off oil.
Serve anyway you like. To make it a proper English dish, add some Chips. You can fry them up in the same oil, or to lighten the dish, bake them. Good ole russet potato steak fries are always delicious, or use any variety of sweet potatoes.
Tartar sauce, lemon wedges, or malt vinegar cuts the fat, balances the dish, and is just plain delicious with this. Even my carnivores LOVE this.

Beer Optional Battered Tofu
This batter is highly versatile and forgiving. If you have a nut allergy, replace almond flour with more coconut flour or a seed flower. If you cannot tolerate yeast, leave it out and add more club soda. Fry just about ANYTHING in this!
Yields about 2 cups batter – enough to batter a couple lbs tofu slices.
- high temp cooking oil, enough to deep fry (see note)
- 1 1⁄2 teaspoons active dry yeast
- 1⁄2 cup warm water.
- 1⁄2 cup tapioca flour, plus extra for dusting
- 1/4 cup coconut flour
- 1/4 cup almond flour – for nut allergies, consider sesame seed flour or sunflower seed flour
- about 1 cup cold beer (gluten free beer, if needed) or cold club soda, just enough to make the batter about the thickness of pancake batter
- salt, to taste (not too heavy, you can add more salt later)
- optional: for flavor, you can add a sprinkling of any spice you like, such as paprika or turmeric
- tofu slices – if desired for texture, pre frozen, thawed and water squeezed out
- Sprinkle yeast over warm water. Let is sit for a few minutes to activate the yeast.
- Measure flours into a mixing bowl.
- Add your activated yeast. Stir.
- Add cold beer or club soda a little at a time until the thickness of the batter is like pancake batter.
- Season, to taste. Set aside batter while you prepare other parts of your meal.
In a pot, heat oil for deep-frying to 375 degrees F.
When oil is hot, dredge your tofu slices (one at a time) with tapioca flour, coating all sides. This will help the batter to stick. Dip coated tofu slice into your batter, thoroughly covering it. If there is excess, scrape it carefully in the side of the batter bowl to remove a bit.
Place one end of the battered tofu into the oil, swooshing gently back and forth. Then drop it into the oil. The swoosh should help to prevent it sticking to the bottom of the pan. The swoosh will also tell you if your batter is not quite hot enough, or too hot. It should sizzle.
Flip tofu pieces as needed to brown all sides. Cook a few at a time so as not to crowd the pot. When your tofu is golden brown (I like it a little darker than golden), remove it from the oil and place it on crumpled paper towels to drain. Salt immediately.
Serve immediately. Add tartar sauce, lemon wedges, malt vinegar, and chips, if desired.
Note: For deep frying at high temperature, I like a nonGMO canola oil. For us, this is a “sometimes” food. Any high temp oil will work.
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