To make a pea puree, you only need to puree peas. 🙂 It’s simple. It’s vegetarian & vegan. You can even puree them raw and add a little lemon juice, if you like raw vegan food. It’ gluten-free, dairy-free, and common allergen-free. Paleo people may argue about peas…. Check out this video if you have paleo concerns. Otherwise, they can be a great part of a healthy diet.

Keep reading for a couple of simple little techniques that will make your puree divine, and NOT baby food.
Quickly blanche and refresh your peas.
You can use fresh or frozen green peas. Peas freeze very well! Heat a pot of water to boiling. Throw in peas and let them cook for just about a minute or two. Quickly Remove them from the pot with a slotted spoon and cool them by throwing them into a prepared bowl of ice water. This will stop the cooking process and retain the beautiful green color of the peas.
Prevent Oxidation
Add acid, like lemon or vinegar, if you wish to slow down oxidation.
Fresh Bright Flavors
Next, add seasonings and flavorings. Added ingredients like mint, garlic, lemon, vinegar, and of course salt, will dance together with the peas, creating a vibrant bright spring performance.
Minty Green Pea Puree
Blanche peas by tossing them in boiling water for a couple of minutes. This will help them to blend easily and will brighten the color.
Mince garlic and tear mint leaves.
Add peas, mint, and garlic to a blender or food processor. Add just enough liquid to help peas move around and blend properly tot he texture you desire. If you prefer a thick puree, add very little liquid; and,o f course, more for a thin puree. Depending on your personal diet and preference, your liquid may be coconut or almond milk, heavy cream or milk, or even just water.
Salt, to taste. If desired, add a bit if acidity to retain the color and add brightness.
Enjoy as an accompaniment to many springtime dishes! Sweetness and starchiness of peas make them a delicious accompaniment to bitter greens and savory dishes.
Minty Green Pea Puree
This recipe makes a small batch. Mint leaves and garlic cloves vary in size; but this ratio is a good general guide. Multiple the recipe as much as you like. Go easy on flavorings, adding and altering the ratio to your taste.
- 1 cup fresh or frozen peas
- 1-2 fresh mint leaves
- 1/4 – 1/2 clove garlic, minced
- a splash of liquid – coconut milk, dairy milk or heavy cream, or water
- salt, to taste
- optional: a splash of lemon, lime, or vinegar to prevent browning
Blanche peas by tossing them in boiling water for a couple of minutes. This will help them to blend easily and will brighten the color. Remove them quickly and set aside. If you would like, you can “refresh” them and stop the cooking process by immediately throwing them into ice water.
Mince garlic and tear mint leaves. Add peas, mint, and garlic to a blender or food processor. Add just enough liquid to help peas move around and blend properly tot he texture you desire. If you prefer a thick puree, add very little liquid; and,o f course, more for a thin puree. Depending on your personal diet and preference, your liquid may be coconut or almond milk, heavy cream or milk, or even just water.
Salt, to taste. If desired, add a bit if acidity to retain the color and add brightness.
Special Diet Notes:
- To keep this dish Vegan or Paleo, use coconut milk, almond milk, or water for your liquid
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